“If you want to make something beautiful for God, it involves the effort
of all your mind, heart, soul, and strength.”
- Mary Ann Carr-Wilson
At Parish of the Holy Eucharist, Youth Schola is a vital and vibrant part of our parish-wide music program. It is at this level that the music ministers of tomorrow receive their initial musical, liturgical, and spiritual formation. Our young singers (known as choristers) are not simply the future faces of our Church's music ministry, they offer songs of praise to God and joyfully serve our parish community in the present!
If you attend Mass at any one of our four churches, your children are able to enroll in our youth choir program! All it takes is a willingness to commit to weekly rehearsals in Yarmouth (Oct-May) and Mass approximately once a month at Holy Martyrs, where the choristers sing accompanied by the Rodgers Organ approximately 3-4 times throughout the year.
Your child's musical and spiritual formation will blossom!
Youth Schola sings the first Sunday of the month, December - May, which corresponds with the Parish Faith Formation FIRE Mass at 8:30 am at Holy Martyrs in Falmouth. In addition, they sing at special parish-wide events during Advent, Lent, on Palm Sunday and Corpus Christi.
Open to Grades 3 -High School, treble voices.
at Sacred Heart, after school
Grades 3 and up
4:00 -5:00 PM
OPTIONAL MATERIALS (highly recommended for home!)
Sing with the World CD
Chant for Kids CD and/or DVD
Chorister Scholarships for Middle and High School Singers
More information coming soon!
Be sure to include a BUS NOTE on Schola Day!
From Yarmouth HS and MS: Drop-off is at Sacred Heart /317 Main at approximately 2:45 pm
From Yarmouth Elementary: Drop-off is at Sacred Heart/317 Main at approx. 3:45 pm
If you are driving your child: Please make every effort to get your child to rehearsal on time. Much learning and foundation building occurs during the warm-up period!
Parish of the Holy Eucharist Youth Schola has been a member of Pueri Cantores, the American Federation of Catholic Youth Choirs since 2018.
American Federation Pueri CantoresSchola in Latin means "school," so, a school of singers is a Schola Cantorum (sko'-la kan-to'-room). This tradition goes all the way back to Pope Saint "Gregory the Great" who desired to have chant sung as perfectly and beautifully, as possible. (If you want to know more about Pope Gregory I, check out the link at the bottom right.) It was he who is credited with the final version of how sung church music, or Gregorian chant, looks on the page.(see image at right. Beautiful isn't it?)
Our reasons for singing in Church are to experience our Catholic tradition more fully, develop our singing ability, express our love for God, and share our treasure with the congregation and community. Have any of you ever said Mass is boring? Well, if you don't know your "lines" it can be a very nerve-wracking experience! We, as Catholics, young and old, are called to participate as fully and actively as can be, and the parts we've been given are plentiful! If Saint Augustine is known for saying, "He who sings, prays twice," then it stands to reason that if we sing all our responses at Church with an open and joyful heart, God will be pleased and we will have had a beautiful experience at Mass.
Reason #1: Learn the Mass
Choristers will learn first and foremost about the structure of the Mass and their lines within it, leading to full, active, and conscious participation of the liturgy through song.
Reason #2: Faith Formation
Choristers will prepare music for liturgy but will also rehearse virtues of the Christian/Catholic life (justice, peace, devotion, and service) at each and every rehearsal.
Reason #3: Free Music Lessons
Do you pay yearly for private music lessons at 317 Music School, Portland Conservatory, at your home, or elsewhere? Do you belong to a community children's choir where there is a yearly tuition? Good for you! These are valuable experiences for sure, so consider the free music education the choristers receive in solfege, music reading, chant, proper diction, vocal technique and theory, right here in your own Parish at virtually no cost!
Reason #4: Foreign Languages
Latin is the official language of the Church and the choristers will learn how to sing all the basic parts of the Mass (the Ordinary) in both English and Latin. Technology has made access to other countries and cultures as close as the screen on your device, so the importance of being fluent in other languages has never been more relevant. In addition to Latin, choristers will sing in a host of other languages - Greek, French, Spanish, even Swahili - truly experiencing the music of the Universal Church!
Reason #5: Major Seasons and Feasts: Advent/Christmas, Lent/Palm Sunday, Eastertide/May Crowning/Pentecost
The music of Christmas and the many beautiful descants you hear on the radio and TV during that Season is definitely something this year's Choristers will learn. But in addition, they will learn music specific to Advent, Lent, Palm Sunday, Eastertide, May Crowning, and Pentecost. The musical landscape of the Church year is vast, varied, and richly spiritual. Choristers will journey through all these landscapes and grow both musically and spiritually.
Reason #6: Pueri Cantores
The Parish of the Holy Eucharist Youth Music Ministry joined Pueri Cantores in 2018. Pueri Cantores is the official international organization of Roman Catholic youth choirs, under the Vatican Dicastry of the Laity, Family, and Life. I am excited for us to join this amazing musical organization, which is rich with resources and travel opportunities.
In March, 2024 our Jubilate and Youth Scholas (Grades 4 and up) attended the New England Pueri Cantores Festival at Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston. The Festival concluded with Mass at the Cathedral where our Choristers joined other Catholic choirs from all over New England.
Reason #7: Concert Series and Collaborations with other Youth Choirs
Throughout the year the Schola will be invited to participate in various outreach singing opportunities as well as join forces with local church and community children's choirs. In May/June (exact date TBD) we hope to present an evening of our finest work with all the POTHE choirs as part of our new Parish of the Holy Eucharist Concert Series.
Submit the form above and/or contact me at my office, Jennifer Runge, (207) 847-6884 or [email protected].