The Eucharist is the source and summit of our Catholic faith. In the Mass, we receive the Eucharist and give back to the Lord, Who has given so much to us. Those who are physically unable to attend Mass are dispensed from the obligation to attend Mass on Sunday, but are still able to keep the Lord’s Day holy by receiving Our Lord in Holy Communion at their home.
At Parish of the Holy Eucharist, we have 14 nursing homes or residential care facilities within our boundaries. Every week, parishioners minister to the residents in these facilities and at home by bringing them the Blessed Sacrament. The lay faithful can help our clergy in this ministry and meet the spiritual needs of those in the parish who are unable to attend Mass by bringing Holy Communion to them and praying with them.
Bringing Holy Communion to the Homebound
Those bringing Holy Communion to the homebound do so by the delegation of the bishop and the request of the pastor. Those who would like to bring Holy Communion to the homebound must meet the following requirements:
The necessary supplies to serve in this ministry will be provided by the parish. The parish will also provide the necessary training for this ministry.
If you would like to learn more about this ministry or join us in it, please fill out the form to the right, call the parish office, (207)-847-6890, or email [email protected].