Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a safe, effective way to help a couple determine when sexual intercourse can and cannot result in pregnancy. It is not contraception. When used properly, modern methods of NFP are safe and clinically proven to be highly effective at avoiding pregnancy. These methods are not the old "rhythm method." Modern methods of NFP are based on the readily observable signs of fertility and infertility present in each menstrual cycle. So any woman, regardless of the regularity or irregularity of her cycles, can use NFP effectively.
NFP has no harmful physical side effects. It fosters authentic marital love, respect, honesty, and couple communication. It also fosters trust in God and an authentic marital spirituality that deepens the couple's relationship with Christ and his Church. NFP, when used properly, is "marriage insurance." Surveys indicate couples who practice NFP have a practically non-existent divorce rate. This is because practicing NFP fosters those very same virtues that are necessary for a healthy marriage. It allows intercourse to be a true expression, renewal, and deepening of the couple's commitment to their marriage vows.*
- July 20 - Pray for the initiative at the Rosary Rally on July 20 at St. Gregory the Great Church
- Review Janet Smith's talk Contraception, Why Not? Recording from her virtual visit to our parish last year is belowDIGITAL RESOURCE LIBRARY
NFP Basic Information | USCCB
Frequently Asked Questions | USCCB
Humanae Vitae Encyclical of His Holiness Pope Paul VI - FORMED (E-Book)
*Recommended by Fr. Cartwright in his homily*
Paul VI: The Pope in the Tempest - FORMED
*Recommended by Fr. Cartwright in his homily*
Why Humanae Vitae Was Right - (E-Book) Edited by Janet Smith - FORMED
Why NFP Is the Answer - Marriage - FORMED
Online Catholic NFP Classes
"Running Into Obstacles " + Fr. Mike's Homily #shorts - YouTube
Why We Love Natural Family Planning - YouTube
Natural Family Planning (NFP) be like . . . - YouTube (Comedy - Laura Horn)
Humanae Vitae Handout.pdf