As we end the year, it is always a great time to reflect on areas of gratitude. One item that comes to mind is the number of volunteers who have made commitments to the parish and the work we do. Mass ministries such as music, lectors, extra-ordinary ministers of Holy Communion, greeters, sacristans, and ushers make for wonderful celebrations. We also have those who work in the office, count the collection, provide funeral ministry, grief ministry, faith formation catechists, RCIA, seniors and Alzheimer’s support groups, youth ministry, Boys Scouts, Adoration, and home schoolers. I cannot forget the deaf ministry, leadership in the small faith sharing groups, baptismal preparation, men’s and women’s and mom’s ministries, Parish Council and Finance Council, Social Justice and Church Decorations Committees. I know that it is dangerous to create a list with the fear that I will neglect to mention groups, but I think it shows the breadth and depth of our parish, the many places to serve and the amount of gratitude we should all have for the many people who give of themselves to God and the parish. To all who volunteer, I thank you on behalf of the parish for all that you do.
As we end the year, I must give a special thanks to God for the work and dedication of Elizabeth Rosquete. She retired this year from being the Director of Parish Operations, which you can see is quite an operation. She brought the parish up to today’s standards with her creativity and her love for learning. Most importantly, it is clear to everyone that her work was an expression of her love for the parish and her faith, which are also deep and personal. I have become friends with her through her years of service to the parish and God, and for that I am truly grateful to God as we end this year. In her dedication, she still wishes to volunteer in the office and in Adoration, for which we are all thankful. This makes her loss as a member of the staff a little lighter. Elizabeth, in the name of the parish, I thank you and wish you all the best with your family and loved ones. It was a great run while it lasted. I wish you God’s blessings.
To all in the parish on this feast of the Holy Family as we consecrate all our families, may this New Year be filled with many graces for you and your family. The family is the basic unit where God is found in communion even as it offers the greatest challenges. May the new born Christ at Christmas be found in your family throughout the year.