Our parish engages in the practice of dismissing young children to a designated area to hear God’s Word proclaimed at their age level.
Children's Liturgy of the Word is available at the following Masses:
St. Gregory the Great
8:30 am Mass
Leader: Kathy George and Alice McGrath-Holmquist
Holy Martyrs
8:30 am Mass (*except first week of the month)
Leaders: Tom Ancona, Tracy Winkeler, and Ann Pierce
Children experience the Liturgy of the Word on their own level of developmental understanding. Parents and guardians of these children are given the gift of remaining in church to experience the liturgy and to reflect on the readings and the homily on an adult level, without distraction.
This practice is a way to enhance the Mass experience for all members of the assembly.
A Catholic document called the Directory for Masses with Children (1973), provides guidelines for our parishes. Liturgy of the Word for Children is ritual prayer, not a faith formation class or simply an activity time. The participants are of school age. Younger children and their parents are welcome. Children having already received the Sacrament of Eucharist are encouraged to remain in church during the liturgy but are not discouraged from participating. These children usually come to make the decision to remain in church for themselves. After the Gloria and Collect Prayer, the children and their leader are called forward by the celebrant, who dismisses them to a room separate from but not too distant from the church. They process out, holding up the Lectionary for Children (God’s holy Word), from which the readings will be proclaimed. During their time, the children experience all the parts of the Liturgy which the assembly experiences in church: they gather for the first reading, the Psalm (which may be recited or chanted), the Gospel Acclamation, the Gospel Reading, a brief homily by the leader to explain the Gospel in a relevant way, a simple Profession of Faith and Prayers of the Faithful which include silent intervals, since children are genuinely capable of reflection. They return to the church to join the assembly to prepare for the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
The space is reverent, quiet, and simple and may have visual elements or sacramentals such as a simulated altar with a linen, the image of a tabernacle, a cross, battery candles, liturgical colors. There may be other symbols specific to the readings, and sacred images on the wall.
Trained parish volunteers and the parish leaders at each church lead Liturgy of the Word and are part of a rotating schedule for the year. Contact our Faith Formation team for details.