Feast of Corpus Christi - June 22 & 23, 2019
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Sacred Heart Church, 5:00 pm Saturday to 7:30 am Sunday
We have been together as the Parish of the Holy Eucharist for the past 8 years now. All parishioners are invited to a special overnight Eucharistic Adoration on the Feast of Corpus Christi, our parish feast day. This will be at Sacred Heart Church, our most central church. Come and spend some quiet time with Jesus throughout this night, with this most special of prayer practices, in the midst of the Holy Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith and that which connects us all as Catholics and our four churches. See the prayer schedule below and look to this week’s bulletin insert or click here for the Novena of the Corpus Christi that you can begin this weekend, so we may all come together as one in prayer for our parish.
The full schedule of prayers is found below and will be printed in the June 16 bulletin. Click here to sign up for a prayer hour. If you have a particular devotion or ministry that you would like to pray for please contact us at [email protected]. Let’s come together as a parish family in prayer!!
at Sacred Heart Church, Yarmouth
June 22 - 23, 2019
Litany of the Most Blessed Sacrament | 5:15pm |
Vespers | 6:00pm |
Pro-Life Rosary | 7:00pm |
Divine Mercy Chaplet | 8:00pm |
Compline | 9:00pm |
Litany for Catechists | 10:00pm |
Quiet Adoration | 11:00pm |
Quiet Adoration | 12:00am |
Litany of the Most Precious Blood | 1:00am |
Quiet Adoration | 2:00am |
Office of Readings | 3:00am |
Quiet Adoration | 4:00am |
Litany for Vocations | 5:00am |
Rosary for Priests | 6:00am |
Morning Prayer | 7:00am |
Benediction | 7:30am |